16.3H | 1997 | KWPN

Parcival’s foal crops have been strongly stamped with a graceful, powerful neck, a large, well-sloped shoulder, a good square hip, and lots of chrome! Successful in international dressage competition, Parcival is also very exciting for the jumper breeder. Parcival’s bloodline includes the legendary Preferent sires Voltaire, Nimmerdor, and Lucky Boy. Voltaire, himself an exceptional international showjumper and had the most offspring of any stallion at the 1996 Olympic Games. Voltaire was the U.S. “Hunter Sire of the Year” for 2001, 2002, and 2003, and is one of the top KWPN Jumping Sires with an index of 151 points.

Your mare’s registration and approval play just as important of a role as the stallion’s approvals when determining registration options for your foal. Please keep in mind that in order to register your foal with a specific association, your mare may first need to be presented to that registry for approval. In addition to the registries a stallion is approved with, there may be additional registration options based on your mare’s eligibility and the stallion’s credentials. If you are confused at all on registration options for a potential foal, please contact us and your breed registry PRIOR to booking your breeding.

Parcival’s approvals

  • Old NA
  • GOV
  • RPSI
  • KWPN

Chestnut stallion

EVA Negative: This stallion has been tested for and vaccinated against EVA.  Given his negative status, it is not necessary to vaccinate your mare prior to breeding to this stallion

WFFS Tested – Negative: This stallion is not a carrier of Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS) and may be breed to both non-carrier and carrier mares without risk.

Parcival’s sire and dam lines have each produced many successful Grand Prix and international jumpers, including half-brother Pavarotti (by Lancelot), currently successful in the Grand Prix ring with U.S. Team rider Todd Minikus, and Jeroen Dubbeldam’s grand prix mount Nassau, who shares Parcival’s damline (Jolanda). Half-brother Hamar (Mythens x Tamara) is a KWPN approved stallion who also jumped successfully in the United States with USET rider Laura Chapot, and has sired successful grand prix jumpers such as Blue Danube.

More than his beauty, pedigree, and conformation, though, Parcival is known for passing on his impeccable character.  Every breeder has commented on the tractability, intelligence, steadiness, and sweetness of Parcival’s foals.  It is not so surprising to us, however; Parcival is the steadiest, most reliable horse at home, at shows, and in the breeding shed that many have ever known.

After an extremely long and success full dressage career, Parcival has now retired sound for show and is just breeding. So anyone in North America can have outstanding semen quality with high motility both fresh and frozen shipped right to their door! At Mountain Creek Sport Horses our goal is your dream foal.


VoltaireFurioso II
Gogo Moeve
Lucky BoyCompromise

Parcival Offspring